The Acedemic environment of the International War College can be describe as stimulant, academically intense and oriented toward superior military training. These are a few aspect regarding the academic environment.

Military milieu: Military discipline is highly observed within the academic environment; this crate a conducive environment for learning. Part of Lessons are being conducted within the campus of the International War College at Simbock Neighbourhood while the other by University lecturers at the University of Yaounde II based at SOA neighbourhood.  

Academic training: The overall coherence of the educational project revolves around level 1 high military command exercices and the acquisition knowledge and challenges of today’s world through initiation into geopolitics. The participation of external actors and other private and public organizations during certain lessons, exchange with other foreign sister schools, in particularly with the Paris War College, contribute to crate opening for interns as well as the synergy of teaching.

Practical approach: Beside theoritical lessons, the International War College make emphasis on practical exercises. Interactives sessions, coordinated assignments, strategical situation awareness and planification exercises are all activities to enable the acquisition of knowledge and the development of competences in decision making.

Collaboration and exchange: The educational environment encourages the collaboration and exchange among interns from different professional background and country. This favours a diversity of ideas, experiences and perspectives, which contribute to a good understanding of international security challenges and to a more complet training.

Professional Network: The school offer to interns the possibility of crating a solide professional network with course mates, experts, with senior military personalities as well as representatives of international organisations that could be called to intervent during conferences and seminars.

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